Books: essay on Legality, violence and organized crime – Sicily

Published by the Pio La Torre Center by Giovanni Frazzica
Emanuele Macaluso died on 19 January 2021 at the age of 96 in Rome

Emanuele Macaluso died on 19 January 2021 at the age of 96 in Rome, in the hospital where he was receiving treatment for heart problems and for complications after a fall. Born in Caltanissetta on 21 March 1924, he was a journalist and a politician with a sharp mind

Mr President, I wish to thank the UNODC on behalf of the Pio La Torre Study Centre, chaired by Vito Lo Monaco, for the invitation to participate in this important event.
The fifth conference

Friday 7th Ffebruaryy 2020
Abstract: The five conference of the Anti-Mafia Educational Project 2019/2020 organized by the Pio La Torre Study Center was held on January 14th 2020, at the Rouge et Noir in Palermo. At the conference entitled «The evolution of the antimafia effort by all religions of Republican Italy»
The fourth conference

Tuesday 14th January 2020
Abstract: The fourth conference of the Anti-Mafia Educational Project 2019/2020 organized by the Pio La Torre Study Center was held on January 14th 2020, at the Rouge et Noir in Palermo. At the conference entitled «Corruption and mafia in new political system»
The third conference

Friday 6th December 2019
Abstract: The third conference of the Anti-Mafia Educational Project 2019/2020 organized by the Pio La Torre Study Center was held on December 6th 2019, at the Rouge et Noir of Palermo. The title of the conference was "The new mafias: continuity and transformation".
Antimafia School at the Kore University of Enna

Tuesday 5th November 2019
Abstract - A memorandum of understanding, that provides collaboration on the issues of legality, anti-Mafia, anti-violence, active citizenship, it’s been undersigned between the Kore University of Enna and the Study Centre Pio La Torre, addressed to the new generations to increase their democratic awareness according to the principles of our Constitution.
The first conference

Wednsday 23rd October 2019
Abstract: The first conference of the Anti-Mafia Educational Project 2019/2020 organized by the Pio La Torre Study Center was held on October 23rd 2019, at the Rouge et Noir of Palermo. The title of the conference was "The evolutions of the mafias since the post second world war".
The XIV Anti-Mafia and Anti-violence Educational Project

Wednesday 25th September 2019
Abstract - The XIV Anti-Mafia and Anti-violence Educational Project, organised by the Pio La Torre Centre, will kick-off at 9am on Wednesday 23 October at the Rouge et Noir cinema in Palermo.